Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Chronicles of an Idiot #1

The people I have to converse with... jesus. Here is a excerpt of some email communication between me and a person on craigslist over a bike I recently put up for sale (this one is a long one but hooooeee-leeeeee-shiiiiiit):

His Response #1:

Hi, your asking way to much for that bike, its only worth used $130.00 max on craigs.  You will never ever get $500.00 for it, no one in there right mind would pay that much. Most BMXer are kids living at home, Parents are not going to flip that bill and if its a experience rider he will want to custom build a bike himself if he is spending that much.  Sorry buy your going to have to eat that bike or trade it something else.  CASH no way!

My Response #1:

I already have two people trying to get the money for the bike. If you think that the bike is only worth 130.00, you are obviously misinformed. This is not a Wal-Mart bike. In addition, flatland bmx bikes are even more expensive, as they need specialized parts. My other bike costed around 1200.00 and professionals easily spend an upwards of 3000.00 on theirs. I'm well aware that the average Joe is not going to shell out 500.00 so that their 7 year old daughter can have their first bike... and that's because it's not for them. This ad is targeted towards serious flatlanders only. Please do not email me arbitrary values of what you think something is worth when you obviously have no idea what anything in this market is actually worth. Please head to your local Wal-Mart and quit being such a blockhead.

His Response #2:

#1. The bike is to small for you.
#2. Nobody wants Pink
#3. Freestyle died in the 80's
#4. Freestyle lacks flavor, everybody is just balancing and spinning = boring
#5. Your hair is cool, back in 1987 when Eddie Fiola was KING.
#6. Yes I do know about bike, Martin Aprayhole and Woody Itson on Gold Bike, now what?
#7. If you had the Hutch Gold plated bike then it would be worth that much, put that in your Bong and smoke it!

My Response #2:

#1. You are a retard. Again you do not know anything about the BMX industry (and I'm willingly to bet bikes in general). The bike has   a standard 18.5 top tube with a 20" tire... which is standard for ALL forms of BMX riding from park to flatland.
#2. I already said I have two interested buyers... therefore that point is obviously moot.
#3. Where I would agree with you that the freestyle community is not as large as it once was, I would not say that it is dead. Obviously this comes from your lack of knowledge on just about every facet on this sport.
#4. That's your personal opinion. Frankly, comparing park/street to flatland is like comparing apples and airplanes. If you like going back and forth on a half pipe that's your prerogative.
#5. Personal attacks on hair? *clap * clap *clap.... you sir are a gentleman and a scholar.
#6. WTF? How does that have any bearing on knowing the sport and more importantly the current market?
#7. The construction and materials of today's bike compared to that of '80's freestyle bikes are vastly different. I don't know why you can't wrap your head around that. You mentioned that my hair reminded you of the '80's as well and that freestyle died in the '80's. It is starting to become clear that you may be stuck in the '80's.

You are obviously mentally challenged or willfully ignorant of the facts. You said that I write "intenlegently"... I wish I can say the same for you. Here is a list of ebay auctions for just flatland FRAMES alone:
Why you would even contact me just to complain about the price is absolutely bizarre. If you thought I would be interested in your whiny bitching, I would hope that you know by now that I am not. If you were trying to make deal, that message was not delivered. I extended pretty good offers to both interested parties, as this is CraigsList and I realize bartering is a thing. Please remove your head from your asshole and only respond back if you are willing to make a deal... not whine like a two year old who didn't get a lollipop.

His Response #3:

There is a reason the company does not make this bike and it because selling 3 bikes a year does not cut it, they have to go belly up.

Tony Hawk said later to BMX Freestyle because everyone looked like one another and it got boring to watch, people who have not had 10 years  of freestyle training would just turn the station unless they were at Apple Bee's in which they have to look at it.  Scuffing killed freestyle all by itself period.  It was so much better when people did, decades, Cherry Pickers, Handstands and the Surfer, it added so much more variety which entertained the masses.  I also liked it when people wore leather pants and team Jersey, it meant you were looking at someone who achieved something. Now with SCUFFING and the stupid BACKPACK, everything went to hell!  What is in those packs that you have to where one when you scuff to be cool, I see teen wearing those all the time at skate parks, why cant they just take them off and ride, they are so lame.

Does a backpack come with your bike as a extra bonus or insensitive?  There is not future in BMX Freestyle, you can not make a living doing it so why do it at all, nothing really to look forward too.  How does one keep up the motivation to even practice, the Honeymoon would be over in less than a year after the ban from the XGAMES.  Now what are you going to do, that there is no future for the sport, perform at the Beach for attention, that only last so long.  Meet up the the Guys at some cheap contest thinking you all are cool with your backpacks?  Be is some stupid Zine put together on a copier with no real cover done in Black and White.  How can you find enjoyment out of something that is and will not go anywhere, in 5 years you will be doing the same thing Truck driver to spin scuff the rear wheel, it is just pointless.  Why do you even ride anymore? 
The purse for the WORLD BMX FREESTYLE FLATLAND CHAMPION, is what now $100.00 plus a seat clamp?

My Response #3:

At first, looking at the length of your email I thought you were going to have a legitimate argument... unfortunately I was wrong. In addition, your grammar and spelling made this email almost unbearable to read. I'm not trying to be a grammar Nazi, but as it stands right now, I still don't understand a majority of your email (due to grammar alone vice bad arguments). Starting off with your very first sentence, your single digit IQ becomes apparent:

There is a reason the company does not make this bike and it because selling 3 bikes a year does not cut it, they have to go belly up.

Honestly... I do not know how someone can be this retarded in a world where we have internet. It boggles my mind even to this day. If you weren't aware (which of course you are not), the Militant LT that I am selling is a limited edition by Justin Miller... that is why I mentioned that it is no longer being made (which was done to advertise the bike's limited stock rather than its availability). In addition, no BMX bike company nowadays make the same bike for more than a year. So by your logic, all BMX stores should be bankrupt (too bad DansComp is still a thing). Stock bikes are constantly being rolled out and if they ever wanted to make a repeat model with different specifications, they usually attach a year to it. For example, DK bikes makes two or three flatland bikes. They have the DK Opsis 2010, the DK Opsis 2011, the DK Opsis 2012 and the DK Opsis 2013. Also, I do not know how you came to the conclusion that KHE bikes went "belly up", as they are the top company today for flatland bikes and  flatland parts (and that's in the US, Germany and Japan). They literally have the best seats, the best freecoasters, the best pedals, and the best tires around. In addition, they are the makers of the lightest stock BMX bike on the market. Which brings me to my point: how can you be so retarded, commenting on a subject you have no inkling of expertise on?

The rest of your email was mirrored drivel compared to that of your first sentence. You really didn't address any of my counter arguments except for #2... which I pretty much gave to you anyway! I already said the flatland fanbase is not that big compared to that of the park/street community. But for some reason you think it is nonexistent. Here is a website you might want to check out:
Flatland is a little more popular than you think (you could even say infinitely more popular since you are under the impression that it doesn't exist, which is of course nonsensical). Unfortunately, the flatland community is just not that big here in southern California (but luckily they gave us Terry Adams, who you probably don't know). On the upside though, you have to travel no further than northern California to find riders. In addition, there is a larger flatland scene in many European countries as well as Japan (which a majority of the tournaments are held). Again (and this might make me out to sound like a broken record), how can you be this idiotically ignorant when Google exists? With that in mind, here is a good website for you to utilize:

 In addition you mentioned something about Tony Hawk? Who gives a flying monkey turd what he thinks. Is that really your best argument... an argument from authority? Do even know anybody in the Flatland scene today (don't answer that, I already know the answer)? And then you mention something about backpacks??? What the fuck are you talking about (be honest, you're high right now... even as you read this sentence)? You remind me a lot like my grand-dad in the similar fashion that he would say things like "Back in my day, we didn't have backpacks... and we were happy!". I have no idea where you were going with this point, because I don't see any of this. In fact, throughout your email, you referenced this "backpack" thing several times... what the fuck are you talking about (I'm showing this to other people and they are cracking up... they are the ones who suggested that you were high)? Which brings me to your last point: because something cannot be done in a professional forum means it cannot be entertaining as a leisurely activity. What... da... fuck... I don't even know what to call that argument... if it was even an argument to begin with. Let's say Flatland tourneys die off and no tournaments were held. Please explain to me how this makes the actual sport boring and not worth doing? Badminton is not exactly the most "prolific" sport when it comes to the professional arena, but I'll be the last one to say that badminton itself isn't fun. By your logic however, because badminton isn't popular in the professional sports forum it can't be fun and pursued as a hobby. You can't be real. I refuse to believe that a person who at least has the IQ to be able to write an email also can make up such an idiotic argument (arguments, actually). And may I ask how old are you? You act as if you are stuck in a time machine set to the '80's (which is funny because you accused me of having "'80's" hair) yet you write so poorly and make such blatantly weak arguments. It has also come to my attention that you only contacted me to complain about the sand in your vagina, as you have some vendetta with BMX flatlanders and you feel like you need to lead a crusade.

Please do not contact me again UNTIL you check out these two online stores and tell they the managers your same points:

http://www.flatlandfuel.com (I'm sure Patrick Schoolen would get a kick out of you)

In fact, it would be best if you just not contact me at all, as your low IQ is starting rub off on me (but if you do, which I pray to Jebus you don't, please read over what you wrote and show it to at least one other person... preferably someone with higher IQ). And with that, I only have one last thing to say: Never go full retard.